Bing Thiland Quiz [01.01.2023] Bing Home page Quiz Answer.

 Bing Thiland Quiz [01.01.2023] Bing Home page Quiz Answer.

Bing Thiland Quiz [01.01.2023] Bing Home page Quiz Answer.

1. Thailand was formerly known as …

A . Siam

B . Taiwan

C . Formosa

Correct Answer - SIAM

2. What is the currency in Thailand?

A . Baht

B . Kyat

C . Renminbi

Correct Answer - Baht

3. The statue of the reclining Buddha in the city of Ayutthaya inspired a setting in which video game?

A . Zelda

B . Halo

C . Street Fighter

Correct Answer - Street Fighter.

4. In Thai culture, it is considered lack of respect to...

A . Knock on a door

B . Touch someone's head

C . Wave at someone

Correct Answer - Touch Someone's Head

5. Which breed of cat is native to Thailand?

A . Siamese

B . Angora

C . Persian

Correct Answer - Siamese

6. A common form of transport in Thailand is a...

A . Travelator

B . Tuk-tuk

C . Ferry

Correct Answer - Tuk-tuk.

7. Songkhla is home to . . .

A . Thailand's smallest fishing village

B . Thailand's largest lake

C . Thailand's longest bridge

Correct Answer - Thailand's Largest Lake

8. What is the capital of Thailand?

A . Kuala Lumpur

B . Jakarta

C . Bangkok

Correct Answer - Bangkok.

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